WordPress Conference, New York 2018
WordPress Conference, or WordCamp
is a locally organized conference covering everything related to WordPress, in New York City.
WordCampers come to NYC to network, learn, connect, and have fun! Everyone from beginners, casual users to WordPress professionals, marketers, designers and WordPress core contributors participate to share ideas, knowledge and information.
The location is in the heart of New York State, and it intrigues and attracts speakers and attendees from across the country and even the world.
is a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.”
“WordPress was born out of a desire for an elegant, well-architectured personal publishing system built on PHP and MySQL and licensed under the GPL.”
But most importantly it is a design built around the coding of websites that makes it user friendly without being specialized in the language of programming. It is a bit of an AI intelligence that makes everyday people being able to use it.
More Than Words: Using WordPress for Business, Productivity, Health etc.
Let’s Build a Better WordPress
Embracing Guternberg in Existing Code
Conditional Logic!, Dynamic Surveys!, Custom PDFs!
Contact Forms, Lightening Talk, 15 minutes
Building Themes: A Primer (workshop)
Podcasting in 3, 2, 1, Action!
Effective Copywriting Tips for Better UX
Getting Started with Google Analytics
Scream and Post – Interact with RaspberryPi, Lightening Talk, 15 minutes
Ronnie Burt
Building Your Privacy Policy
Recent laws (with more on the way!) make it a requirement that even the most basic of sites and blogs have a Privacy Policy. And working with a law firm or consultant can prove to be costly and overwhelming. Luckily, recent WordPress updates have done much of the hard work for us, but we still need to spend the time to customize and personalize the policy which isn’t always a straightforward task. We’ll discuss the requirements of a Privacy Policy, how to use the new built-in WordPress privacy tools, and provide open-sourced examples that you can take and make your own. You will walk out of this session with everything you need to publish or update your privacy policy with confidence.
Corey Maass
More Than Words: Using WordPress for Business, Productivity, Health etc.
In this talk, he shares powerful methods that will help boost your business and improve your productivity by taking full advantage of your WordPress website. WordPress is already known to be a powerful tool for growing and promoting your services and business. But what you may not know is that WordPress can also be used to track time, manage your contacts, collect payments, brainstorm ideas, track your health, share files and much more, directly from within your own WordPress website. You will explore many of the features that will help you take full advantage of your WordPress website to help empower you or your business to its fullest potential.
Alain Schlesser
Embracing Gutenberg in Existing Code
This is an overview of the general concepts that govern development in the Gutenberg era.
Discussion of the different tricks & techniques you can use to gradually move your existing code from here to there, in a clean transition.Gutenberg is a major change to how you develop software for WordPress. The changes will start with the WordPress editor but the long term plan is for Gutenberg to slowly take over the entire admin interface.If you already have existing plugin or theme code that you need to maintain and make ready for the upcoming Gutenberg update, you will probably face some architectural design challenges. This session will help prepare you to make those changes in a clean transition.
Kari Sletten
Conditional Logic!, Dynamic Surveys!, Custom PDFs!
You can do so much more with forms than just collect names and email addresses. This talk will discuss using conditional logic to streamline the registration process, pre-populating forms with data, creating dynamic surveys that graphically display results, and creating custom PDFs using form data. This talk is based on using the popular Gravity Forms plugin and will have specific examples you will be able to implement immediately.
Daniel Olson
Let’s Build a Better WordPress!
Building a better WordPress is more than refactoring code. It’s a 10,000-foot view of what we can learn from the tech community at large, affecting everything from how we build our applications to laying the foundation for what comes next. WordPress is more than just a CMS. For some, it’s the backbone of their business, it’s their real-estate, it’s their voice, and channel for communicating online. What can we do to make that experience better?
We will explore what Gutenberg could mean for the future of service providers and freelancers. And we will also explore what the future of SaaS.
Daniel will share his research on what he believes to be the greatest opportunities for WordPress and the community that supports it.
David Wolfpaw
Building Themes: A Primer (workshop)
If you’ve ever wanted to build your own theme for WordPress, this is the session for you. We’re going to start from scratch and work our way up. This tutorial assumes HTML and CSS knowledge, though there is no level of PHP requirement. We’ll go through all of the core files needed for a theme; some supplemental features that can be added; and how themes should be structured for clients, public free release, and sales sites. We’ll also cover some tools that can help with your theme development.
Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Podcasting in 3, 2, 1, Action!
In this session, you will learn how to set up a podcast with WordPress in the easiest possible way. You will also learn some actionable steps to attract an audience, recording, equipment and even how to do well in Apple Podcast quickly.
You’ll learn about all of these items related to your new podcast: (1) Plugins, (2) Hosting, (3) Equipment, (4) Tracking, (5) Calls to Action, (6) List Building, (7) Optimizing, (8) Transcribing, (9) Marketing.
Andrea Zoellner
Effective Copywriting Tips for Better UX
In this talk I will outline the story and learning from building the Playlist block for the Gutenberg editor. We will explore the epic wins as well as epic failures in the pursuit of building a block. If you are learning Gutenberg or React and have hit road blocks in understanding the flow or data or tools available, this talk will clear the air on many of those issues. We’ll explore local development tools as well as design patterns used in block creation. If there is one takeaway I want from this talk, it is that Gutenberg is not scary.
Frank Corso
Getting Started with Google Analytics
Imagine a website that is getting 1000 users a day. Now imagine that about 50 of them are spending money on the site. You probably want to get more of the users that are spending money on the site but how do you know where these users are coming from? Maybe you know that all of them are coming from Twitter or Facebook but do you know which post or tweet refers the most people who actually convert to customers? Or, how do you know how many signed up to receive your lead magnet? This is where analytics comes.
Christie Chirinos
Contact Forms of Great Victory (Lightning 15 min)
This talk is about the platforms out there to collect your leads, accessibility in your contact forms, responsive design for your contact forms, overall design, psychology of forms, A/B testing forms, and continuous improvement of forms. This talk will not be platform-centric nor an advertisement; it will mostly be about form best practices with only a brief overview of platform, delivered by us at Caldera Labs.
Slides available here.
Colind Dowling
Easy Lead Generation for Web Professionals
Whether you’re a full-fledged agency or a freelancer dipping your toe into for-profit WordPress development, the number one problem you’ll face is finding new customers. This session focuses on simple things everyone can do to gain more prospects, expand opportunities with current clients, and grow your business. Whether you build websites on the side for a little extra income or are on a mission to be a digital powerhouse, you can learn something here. We’ll talk about hard stuff (like out bounding, lead magnets, and PPC) but mostly focus on easy stuff (like the RIGHT way to ask for a referral and how to get leads out of your blog).
Slides available here.